miercuri, 30 septembrie 2015

Client consultation and preparation of the skin - Week 1

Client consultation

Before starting the make-up or hairstyling session, I always have to check if my model is allergic to any products or has any hair/skin problem that could stop me workig on her/his hair/skin.
I should be aware of any of the following conditions:

- Cuts or grazes, head lice, dandruff, over treated hair, general condition of hair;
- Certain medications that are being taken by my model;
- If unhappy due to contraindications, I should stop working on my model.
I have to look and note on the consultation sheet their name, age, the type of skin I am going to work on, the hair type (colour, natural or dyed), skin tone, eye colour, eye shape, face shape, any allergies, any medication taken, contraindications and any extra notes.
- If it has got any cuts, blemishes, rashes, open sores or any other complaints. I have to make my model feel comfortable and relaxed, I should not recoil if there is something not so pleasant on their face and not diagnose.

 I always have to place a gown around my model before I start any procedure and, most important, to wash my hands with antibacterial soap.

I always have to be aware of health and safety and not double dip, keep my used tools separate and clean them straight away.

 Preparation of the skin - cleansing, toning and moisturizing

The first thing I have to do before applying any make-up on, after I have consulted my model, is to clean the face with make-up remover and cotton pads. Around the eyes I can use cotton buds, and if I'm going to clean the face of a male model who has a beard, I will put make-up remover on napkins instead of cotton pads. 
After I remove all the existing make-up/impurities I have to tone the face using toner and cotton pads. The next step I'm going to make is to apply a moisturizing lotion all over their face. All of the products used should be scent free so no allergies can occur. If needed, we could ask the model to exfoliate their face with minimum 2 days before the make-up session. 
When I feel I have covered all of the above I can begin my work.

Here are two pictures with my model's cleaned, toned and moisurized face:

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