sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2015

Induction week at Solent

My first days /on my own/as a student were amazing and hard aswell.
I moved out of my country and I arrived in Southampton on 15th of September. Until 21 September, when university started, I had to arrange my new home and explore the city which I found really nice.

On our first day of the induction week we met each other and the teaching staff, and after that we had to go to enrollment so we can get our student cards.
I made new friends, Lia and Sophia:

And that's how my student card looks (I almost cried of how excited I was):
Our second day was absolutely fantastic! We had to create a representation of our alter-ego with "our head in a bag". As a source of inspiration we were given Anon magazines and other colorful materials. Unfortunately I didn't finish my "alter-ego" version in the studi so I asked the teacher to let me finish it at home and this was my lovely result:

We also had time to explore the city and to take photos for the black and white city contest. Here are the photos I took:

Day 3 was all about the Illamasqua lecture and workshop to me. We met those two amazing artists that represent Illamasqua brand, Spob O'Brien and Helen Roche. They shared with us some of their secrets, some of their experiences and some really useful advices for us. I enjoyed every second of their workshop and in the end I took a photo with them and with my colleague which was their model. 

Day 4, and the last day of the induction week was one of the best days because we met two talented makeup artists from Kryolan and we went to the Freshers Fair. I had a lot to learn from Gemma who has worked with Kryolan for more than 10 years. She explained everything in detail and she has done a beauty makeup demonstration on one of our colleagues. The final result was beautiful and clean, she used neutral colors so that kind of makeup could be adapted to a day makeup aswell. I also purchased my Kryolan kit, and that made me the happiest person alive because I no longer had to struggle with ordering the kit and all that stuff.
I went to the Freshers Fair with one of my new friends, Lia. We had lots of fun ad we also learnt a lot of new things about extra curricular activities at Solent University. 

Overall, my first week at Solent was very exciting and I have learnt a lot of new things about the Uni, the city and about what I love most, about make-up. I've met new wonderful, talented people and this made me want to work harder, to push me over my limits to become better and better, taking them as an example.


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