sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2015

Final evaluation

At the beginning both me and Taylor were a bit afraid that this wouldn't work, but I trusted her and she got better and better everyday. She wasn't so confident in her skills when we first tried to do my design and that's why it was hard to work but with practice she gained confidence and she did it flawless. I know that she didn't do a make-up school/course before and I tried to help her as much as possible to go beyond her limits. She had some blending problems at the beginning, but that's maybe because I didn't know how to explain her better how to realize my design. With time, practice and lots of communication we understood what we want from each other and everything went very well.
I am really pleased of the outcome and how everything turned up. I can say that it was better than I expected considering my crazy design ideas and that Taylor did a great job doing my design. We worked together as a real team and we did our best to meet each other's make-up goals. We have learnt a lot from each other and I feel like this semester not only that improved my make-up skills, but also improved me as a person and my personal skills. Trying to do other's design and pleasing them is not easy but we overcame this and I think that the outcome speaks for itself. Taylor worked really hard do perfect her make-up skills and we met each other to practice my design three times before the assessment. I know that she also did a lot of practice at home and this can be seen through her results. I am very satisfied by how we collaborated and how we worked as a team and I would love to work with her again in the future.

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