marți, 10 noiembrie 2015

First practice of Taylor's design

Today was my first attempt in creating Taylor's design of Anne Vavasour. It was a really hard day because we had to stay late in the studio to practice but after this practice session I feel  more confident about the assessment that is going to come.
At first I really didn't know how to start although Taylor was well prepared and bought me her facecharts and two sheets of printed indications. Maybe it was because I wasn't used with the products as I couldn't order my Illamasqua kit and she had some extra products added for her design.
But it got better after she explained literally every step that I had to do.
I am pleased by how my design turned up although I didn't really like the contour that much because I felt that I made it a little bit too harsh. I could work next time at reducing the time too, because this time it took me really long to finish the make-up. We forgot a few steps as well, but it wasn't a major change in the design. We'll try those steps next time when we'll practice.
I had a lot of fun doing the hickeys as I didn't do these before! It was really interesting to learn how to do them and what tools and products should I use. I feel like I know more things about make-up from today's practice session and that's a really good thing!

This is Taylor's final face chart, which I had to recreate:

Here are the indications for her design, which were annotated by me with the new changes and everything:

And here are the pictures from my first practice session:

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