vineri, 13 noiembrie 2015

Recreating my complementary design for a collaboration

My complementary face chart

Today I had to recreate the complementary design I have done for my colour theory homework and it was great! I had the opportunity to help a second year Fashion Journalism student, whose name is Andruta Nicoleta Mihai, to do her "behind the scenes" short video and it was aaaaamazing!

I am super exhausted but I still have the energy left to write a few words about today's work...

I wanted to create a graphic cat eye look, which had complementary colours, so the contrast will make the make-up pop. This look is not a wearable everyday look but a fashion, editorial make-up, which doesn't really suit every eye shape, because it needs a quite big arcade and a crease. But fortunately I had a beautiful, patient model and everything turned up well. To make the eye make-up even bolder, I added some glitter and I felt it looked better than without. 
The overall finish of the complexion was dewy and tanned, because the lemon-yellow that I choosed made me think about warm, summer days, and I think that this worked best. In the end, I have up using purple in the upper corner of the nasal bridge and on the chin, because I felt like it was too much when applied on the model. On the facechart looks good, but I didn't like how it would look on the model. I've chosen to keep the eyebrows nice and clean, making them as I would usually do them for a beauty make-up, because the model's eyebrows were pretty thick and I just couldn't style them the way I wanted.
All in all, my design was about strong complementary colours, emphasized contouring, dewy and tanned skin and of course, graphic cat eyes!
I am excited about the result and I can't wait to see more of the video that Andruta made!

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